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The Big Jump: Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3

Kenneth Kousen

Kenneth Kousen

President, Kousen IT, Inc.

After years of work, Spring is now at version 6 and Spring Boot at version 3. These major point version changes bring Java 17 and Jakarta Enterprise 9+ support to the framework, along with native image building for the Graal virtual machine. This webinar will look at the new changes and how they affect both new projects and upgrading legacy ones.

About Kenneth Kousen

President, Kousen IT, Inc.

Ken Kousen is a Java Champion, several time JavaOne Rock Star, and a Grails Rock Star. He is the author of the Pragmatic Library books “Mockito Made Clear” and “Help Your Boss Help You,” the O'Reilly books “Kotlin Cookbook”, “Modern Java Recipes”, and “Gradle Recipes for Android”, and the Manning book “Making Java Groovy”. He also has recorded over a dozen video courses for the O'Reilly Learning Platform, covering topics related to Android, Spring, Java, Groovy, Grails, and Gradle.

His academic background include BS degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics from M.I.T., an MA and Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from Princeton, and an MS in Computer Science from R.P.I. He is currently President of Kousen IT, Inc., based in Connecticut.