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JDK22 - What’s in it for you

Gerrit Grunwald

Gerrit Grunwald

Principal Engineer at Azul Systems

With the current release cadence of the OpenJDK project we see new JDK versions every 6 months. After we got JDK 21 in September 2023 it’s now time for JDK 22. Although this release is not a long term support version (LTS), it comes with a lot of new things.

As features are coming to the OpenJDK project in the form of so called JEP’s (JDK Enhancement Proposal), we have a long list of updated and new JEP’s in JDK22.

In this session we will go through the list of all JEP’s that will be part of JDK22 including some very popular ones like JEP 454 (Foreign Function & Memory API), JEP 456 (Unnamed Variables & Patterns) and JEP 464 (Scoped Values) but also some less known JEP’s like JEP 459 (String Templates) and JEP 447 (Statements before super()).

About Gerrit Grunwald

Principal Engineer at Azul Systems

Gerrit Grunwald is a software engineer that loves coding for around 40 years already. He is a true believer in open source and has participated in popular projects like as well as his own projects (TilesFX, Medusa, Enzo, SteelSeries Swing, SteelSeries Canvas, JDKMon). Gerrit blogs regularly at, he is an active member of the Java community, where he founded and leads the Java User Group Münster (Germany), he is a JavaOne rockstar and a Java Champion. He is a speaker at conferences and user groups internationally and writes for several magazines.